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Home / Body And Self Care / Magnesium Oil 4oz

Magnesium Oil 4oz

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Magnesium oil for natural pain relief



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FINALLY the relief you needed. Our 100% natural and organic magnesium spray will be your body's new BFF.

Topical magnesium (such as spray, cream, or oils) has been used to help with muscle and joint pains, reduce migraine pain, and even help with anxiety and sleep, as well as boosting energy levels.

Magnesium activates enzymes, contributes to energy production, and helps regulate levels of calcium, copper, zinc, potassium, vitamin D, and other important nutrients in the body

How to use:

Spray 2-3 times (as needed) on affected areas and rub into skin. Can be used on body, feet, temples and wherever relief is needed.

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